Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Saturday of Football

This past Saturday marked an important milestone in Isaac's young life. This was his first day of watching college football. Unfortunately he had to see Ole Miss lose and LSU beat Augurn. Neither one of which makes his father very happy. To make things worse, he got to see the Saints lose on Sunday. Not a good weekend for football. I suppose it can only get better for Isaac as a football fan. At least that's what I'm hoping.

There are more pictures of him in my web album (link on the right of this screen). There aren't any new ones of Emily with Isaac. She's been playing with the camera more than I have this week.
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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Everyone is Home

We finally got home around 2100 tonight. Isaac and Em are both doing well. I put a few pictures on the web album link to the right. Otherwise, there's nothing to really add.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finally Arrived

Real quick b/c I need to get back to Emily...

Isaac arrived this morning at 0546. He was 8 lbs 8 oz, and 20 inches long. He is eating well and appears healthy. Emily is recovering well. I will try to post some more pictures tomorrow night when we get home from the hospital.
Also, our phone numbers have changed. You can email us for updated numbers.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

I told you

For those who have been requesting a picture of Emily...this is it. I told you she is freaking huge.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Baby Yet

Well, another day down. Emily's due date is coming in the next few days, and I thought I should give an update on how she is. We're anxious for the baby's arrival. I fell a bit bad because I am missing training over the next few weeks in order to be here for the baby's birth. My commander was gracious in allowing me to stay here for the birth.

Emily is still teaching. She actually found out this week that she's being switched to another school. This one is actually closer to our house, but it means her first day teaching at the new school is also the day she is due to deliver. She's working all of that out. Her belly is freaking huge. She hasn't gained weight all over, just in the stomach. I have no idea how she stands without falling face first on the ground. I would post a picture, but I actually don't have one on my computer.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Here is the last three days...On Wed. morning, the course manager walked in and announced that our graduation was going to be on Thurs. instead of Friday. The decided to get us out of SC before whichever hurricane in the Atlantic arrived.

That night was our graduation banquet followed by packing an loading my car. Thursday was a final round of briefings, issue of chaplain kits, and a few other administrative things. The graduation ceremony was ok. Basically, its like any other graduation ceremony except people actually refrained from applauded and cheering during the times they were asked to do so. As soon as the ceremony ended, another Will (the other guy in dress blues in the picture) and I left SC headed for Ft Hood. Dad met us in Jackson and drove my car the rest of the way. Will and I alternated driving his car and napping. This got us home by 0830 on Friday morning.
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

0300 pt

I woke up at 0230 this morning. There's absolutely no reason. I just woke up and laid in bed for about 40 minutes. I hate laying there doing nothing, so I got up a little after three to go running. Thus blogging at the unholy hour of 0445.

I spent last weekend on at St Simon's Island, GA. Because of Labor Day, we had Monday off. The picture is of one of the guys that I went with. Tim isn't a golfer and I wanted public proof that he played golf over the weekend.

There's nothing new. I finish at Fort Jackson in a couple of days and will be heading to TX as soon as possible thereafter. I'm afraid roads will be clogged with people fleeing whichever hurricane is in the Atlantic, but I should be well west of here before any of the bad weather arrives. Anyway, I need to get a few things done this morning before training begins.
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