Sunday, March 8, 2009

Photo Overload

My apologies...until I figure out how to get Picasa (the program Justin used to create online photo albums) on my computer, I'm going to have to imbed pictures in blog posts. This will be a rather lengthy post, as Justin just sent loads of pictures. I LOVE seeing what's going on where he is. I'll do my best to explain pictures, given the captions he sent to me for each picture. The pictures are not listed in any particular order.

These pictures were taken during a sandstorm. The color on the pictures is correct. The dingy air prevents a lot of necessary activity from happening!

This is a picture of a "C-hut...," what I'm guessing is the sleeping quarters at some of the outlying areas.Good Times -- Below are some pictures of the guys doing recreational things.

Justin with some of the guys from Diablo (D) company. For those of you learning military lingo (as I'm still doing), Justin's battalion (1-12 Cav) is broken into 7 companies: A, B, C, D, E (Easy), E (Echo), and HHC, the company to which Justin is attached. Justin is responsible for ministering to all companies in his battalion. There may be an F company, but I don't remember.

Ping-Pong with guys from Diablo
Basketball in the alley
SGT Ross on defense...Go Ross!
D Company playing soccer with Iraqi interpreters

Vehicles -- Below, SGT Ross (I think) is inspecting one of the vehicles Justin travels in, an MRAP (don't ask what that stands for).

Some of the guys riding in an MRAP -- Justin is at the far left, closest to the camera. The color is off on this picture, as I had to manually adjust the exposure to be able to tell a little more about the picture.

Justin and some of the other guys from 1-12 are getting ready to cross the river. Justin and SGT Ross are front & center. I just LOVE this picture of Justin in full "battle rattle," as Jess (or probably Will) has dubbed it.
I hope I haven't completely overwhelmed you with pictures. I will keep them coming as I receive them and am authorized to post them!

Beautiful Day (and more Isaac pics)

Today has been an absolutely GORGEOUS day! It has been slightly cloudy, but the temperature has been very mild; I'm guessing somewhere in the 70s. Regardless, the weather has been absolutely perfect for running. Before Isaac came along, I was trying to build up to run a 5K in a decent time (I know, go ahead and laugh, those of you who are marathon-ers). I've decided to try and do this again. As you can tell by the picture below, it's been a while since I've taken Ox on a run. I was trying to coax him over to get water to make a really funny "just went running" picture, but he wouldn't come close to me. I can't decide if that's due to the fact I was holding the camera (which he's never been fond of) or the fact he was afraid I'd make him run again. Isaac is in Mississippi right now with Justin's parents. I'm anxious to see what it's going to be like to take both he and Ox for a run. It should prove to be a really good workout.

I have got a ton of updating to do, so I apologize for the random-ness of the pictures in this post. Isaac may hate me one day for it, but I've got to post the obligatory bath picture. Isaac loved bath time with Daddy; however, he absolutely screamed and hated bathtime with me, until the bath sling came along (THANK YOU Mrs. Meador!). Now, he stomps, splashes, and has tons of fun.

Isaac absolutely loved his first encounter with sweet potatoes; this is further proof of just how much like Justin he is. (P.S. Please look past the fact that his rash is at its worst here. His face is MUCH better now!)