Saturday, August 29, 2009


Oh my, today has been an eventful one! I was sooooooo excited about it being Saturday, as I have just completed my first week back to school with students for the 2009-2010 school year. My students so far remind me of my first class I ever taught; those of you who knew me then know this is not necessarily a good thing. My plans were to hang out with Robert (Lynn's [my sitter's] son) until she returned from a date with her husband. Then, Isaac was to take his afternoon nap, after which we were going to go to Round Rock so I could pick up the favors for his 1st birthday party! Then we were going to get back in time for me to bathe him and lay him down, not too terribly long after his normal bedtime. I was going to clean house after he'd gone down, something that's been skimped on, but not completely ignored, this week. Weeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll, we were fine until the leaving for Round Rock part. I tried to crank the Tahoe and didn't think anything of it not starting immediately, as it's taken a couple of tries the last few days to get it to start. The battery's charge has always looked good upon starting, and everything functioned well, so I didn't think anything of it. I tried once.........twice......thrice.......and whatever the word for four times is, and NO LUCK. I let it rest in between tries, so as to not kill the battery. Lynn came back over to the house (hooray for friends!), removed the battery from the Tahoe, and we took it to the O'Reily's just up the street. She put the battery back in. We tried to crank it -- no new results. We poured in some fuel, though the gauge (known to be inaccurate before) was showing 3/4 tank, and the engine cranked! Stupid me, however, didn't leave it running long enough for the battery to recharge. So, we had to repeat the process, only there's no happy ending. Other than God has reminded me what a blessing my friends are, particularly in this time of Justin's deployment. And, as Lynn said, "At least you weren't in Round Rock when this happened!" Below, I'm including some pics from today.

While Lynn and I (ok, mostly Lynn) were putting the battery back in the second time, Isaac thought he'd better give the tires a check. I heard Lynn exclaim, "Oh Lordy!" Apparently, he found the tires to be finger-lickin' good.

I shudder to think at exactly what was introduced to his little body during this car repair! He drank a bottle of milk/formula afterwards, which I know is what is typically to be done when something bad is ingested.So, do I win the Mother of the Year award for letting my child eat tire residue and then eat off my floor? I left a few puffs in the lid on the floor for Isaac to eat while I went to the kitchen to make his bottle. I put the rest of the can on the top shelf, where I thought he couldn't reach. I came back and saw him grabbing puffs by the fistfull. Apparently Daddy picked a good flavor!These things are better than rubber!

Please pray for me. It's hard to not be a complete Negative Nelly in the midst of all this.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dinner & Dancing

Justin is currently singing in the kitchen as I (Emily) post this video. Other pictures will be posted soon. I LOVE when Isaac does new things!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

R&R Update

OK, so we haven't updated while I've been on R&R. I'll try to sum things up briefly. Emily and I had a couple of days to ourselves. As you can see from the third picture, Cole (a friend from Birmingham) sent Emiy and I some ribs from Dreamland Barbeque. Some of my family was able to come in for the weekend. I got to play golf with Dad, Stan, and Robert. The Ft Hood golf course is much better than I expected. Then, Emily and I spent a couple of days in San Antonio. Hotel Valencia was nice. Dinner at Citrus was excellent.

Now, we're back in Killeen for a few more days. I think Emily is planning to post some pictures that were taken at the airport when I arrived. Actually, when Emily arrived. (She was fashionably late arriving to pick me up.) Luckily, my cousins Carolyn and GT Robinson were there to greet me.