Thursday, June 30, 2011

Small Steps

There really has not been a lot to mention since my last post so I'll just give a few bullet points. 
  • Emily will be teaching kindergarden for half days this fall. 
  • Claire has her first tooth and has experienced her first bee sting.   (Emily was more tramatized than Claire.)
  • Isaac has learned not to stick his finger into the blades of a fan.  (He's fine.)
  • Isaac has developed a love for head banging to heavy metal music and early '90s alternative rock.  We've done it before dinner every night this week.
  • I'm still not good in softball.  (But I put the picture on here anyway) 
Otherwise, nothing new is going on at work.  The garrison I'm at is short two protestant chaplains, so I've gotten to preach more, which is always good.  Everything is still a little disorganized with the short staffing of chaplains and assistants.  Thankfully, that's only minimally my problem as I just kind of retreat back to taking care of my battalion.

Anyway, that's the rather uneventful last couple of weeks.  There are some random pictures from the month and my battalion's organizational day events in my photo albums.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another Round of Father's Day

Many more Father's Days like today and I'll be in favor of striking the whole thing.  We got up and moving early this morning to get my Mother-in-Law to the airport in Brussels.  (Hope you had a safe flight, Shelia).  I preached for the Brussel's garrison before getting back to Chievres to meet with a soldier.  Basically, it was 1700 before I wound down for the day.  At least I got to play with the kids tonight.

As a side note, Isaac reached a new low at dinner tonight.  We're sitting and talking with the kids.  He gets out of his chair and walks over to Claire.  We assume he's going to offer her a toy or some food (which he's done recently).  Instead, he takes her high chair and pushes it into the next room.  He walks back to the table as though nothing has happened and gets back into his chair for a few more bites of enchiladas.  As I said the week Claire was born, Isaac loves her when he gets attention for being a loving big brother.  When she doesn't get him attention, she's a nuisance that must be overcome.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Proof that rednecks are everywhere

Today, we went to SHAPE for the British Summer Fete.  There's a game that I had been warned about, but still seems funny to actually play.  It's "Wellie Wanging."  Basically, you see who can throw a rubber boot the furtherest.  I can easily imagine how many pints the two Brits that came up with this must have pitched back before creating this game.  What is harder to imagine is how this became such a cultural event that the British contingent to SHAPE felt that it should be included in an event that shares part of their culture with the community.  Isaac thought it was great fun.  We fully expect to be hit in the face with one of his rubber boots one day next week when we walk into his room.  I was briefly in the lead with 76 feet before it was ecclipsed. 
On a somewhat related note, on Wednesday of this week my battalion had a German / American sports day with the German reps on SHAPE.  Basically, they grilled brats.  We beat them 43-6 in softball.  They beat us like red-headed stepchildren in soccer, and we all went home.  Great fun. My soccer skills have not improved since high school.  My ability to crash into people and shove and elbow may have improved.  Either way, I'm still bruised from that one.

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