Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Party

Tonight was our FRG (Family Readiness Group) Pumpkin Carving Party.  We filled the chapel's fellowship hall to just about its limit.  When I stuck the knife into the pumpkin to remove the guts, Isaac looked up and said, "I didn't know you were going to kill it!"  I'll send an autographed picture to whoever correctly identifies what movie he was quoting. 

Claire probably enjoyed the event more as she tried a lot of new food that she decided she liked far more than what she gets at home.  She's exhausted in the picture to the left. 

Otherwise, this has been a pretty easy week.  We had the 5th SIG commander in town for a couple of days.  I had the 5th SIG chaplain in town for a couple of days, which was actually enjoyable.  I normally avoid most other chaplains, but it was a lot of fun having him and SFC Ebron here.  They went with us to watch the playoffs for our flag football team.  CH Engle observed the problem I have when I can't actually be on the field.  He didn't mean it in a bad way (I hope).  I sprained a knee and ankle during last weeks game, so I spent this one on the sideline yelling at the defense instead of actually talking to the guests.  Thankfully, Emily is a far better hostess.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Emily's First Half Marathon

Today, Emily ran the SHAPE Half Marathon.  For all of her talk about not being ready and not having been able to get in her last few long runs, she did amazingly well (2:04:52).  I think she could have broken two hours if she'd come out a little harder.  She actually caught a friend and I off guard.  We'd watched the start then moved to his front yard to watch them pass at 3km and 18km.  Emily hit the 18k point several minutes ahead of when I expected.  She covered the last 2-3 miles fast enough that we almost didn't make it to the finish line before she did.  (We drove Tim's truck).

Watching races is far more fun than I expected.  Isaac, Tim, and I sat in his front yard with a camera, chicken wings, and french fries.   Next time, I'm going to set a grill up.
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Monday, October 17, 2011

Roman Soldier and Sermon Critique

It took him a week, but Isaac finally let me put the breastplate on him with his Roman soldier outfit. He tried putting the helmet on as well, but his head is too large. Emily doesn't like this particular gift. Isaac was swinging the sword as she walked around the corner a few days ago and he hit her toe.

As far as work has been, today was interesting.  I have a couple in the congregation that I meet with after I preach in chapel.  They provide me feedback and suggestions on how I need to communicate better in the pulpt.  I'm not sure what it says about me that I crave criticism so much.  Emily says it is abnormal. 

The rest of the day was in an Officer Professional Development that I hope to never use.  I was falling asleep when the guy teaching the class thought the chaplain's perspective would be interesting.  I still have no idea what he asked.  I talked for a couple of minutes and spent the rest of the training praying he would fall down the stairs when he left the building (kidding...sort of). 

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Claire's Birthday

This evening was Claire's first birthday party.  I had never really put much thought into first birthdays until this one.  I was in Iraq when Isaac's came up, so I'm not sure I actually remember ever going to anyone's first birthday.  I'd always assumed they were actually for the child.  That assumption turns out to be quite wrong.

The first birthday is entirely for the parents.  Presents are mainly something at which a baby stares with no real interest.  The three year old brother, however, must be threatened with all sorts of creative punishments to keep him from attacking the gifts the one year old has no interest in touching.  People are at the house, who are friends with the parents, and who enjoy seeing the one year old.  Claire just wants to be held, preferably by Daddy (I don't understand it either).  I was briefly afraid Emily would choke Claire by shoveling cake at the poor child.  In typical fashion, I never let my concern interupt the click of my camera (They should be posted tonight).

Having said all of that, Emily and I did enjoy having a number of our friends present to celebrate Claire's birthday with us.  Emily had a large gathering of our family for Isaac's first birthday, and it wouldn't have felt right without the friends who gathered with us today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pictures as Promised

The pictures from Rome are online (or at least they're uploading).  Today was a decent first day back to work.  I'm still struggling to finish part of my sermon for Sunday, which is a little frustrating.  I had all but one section complete two weeks ago.  It's my biggest problem when I'm working several weeks ahead.  I just can't finish the last bit.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Back to Work

It's been a very long week.  I'm still trying to process through everything I saw at Rome last week.  There's really nothing on my list that I didn't get to do.  I take that back.  I didn't see the inside of St Peter's.  We arrived to see it, and they'd closed it b/c the Pope had a public audience.  Instead, I saw the Pope.  I didn't stick around for the blessing he was giving out.  (Protestant kicked in I suppose)  Overall, I saw and learned far more than I would have with almost any other guide.  The picture is Chris Broddle and myself in front of the Spanish steps.  Chris organized and led this trip.  He's the British padre at SHAPE.  His knowledge of Rome was astounding.  I had to include a picture with him b/c he made such an issue of being in pictures.

On the more personal side, the week was a great opportunity to get a couple of hours alone each day.  It's been a while since I've had so many days in a row with that opportunity.  It's a huge opportunity to spiritually catch my breath.

Since I know my Mother really only checks this for stories and pictures of my children, I'll mention bringing Isaac's gift home.  I'd bought a horribly cheap and tacky Roman soldier outfit for him.  It had a breastplate (Neither of us could figure out how to get it on him for several days), sword, shield, and helmet.  He's currently trying to stab Emily with the sword.  He insisted we sword fight each day I've been back.  He uses the cheap sword and gives me the nice, carved, wooden sword I also brought him.

I should get a few picture posted in the next few days.  I'm still sorting through them. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Little Time Off

I just realized something.  This week is the first time I've taken leave without Emily being on vacation with me since I became a chaplain.  I'm hoping to get a little bit of solitude at some point.  Part of the week will be spent in Rome, with a group of British chaplains.  We're actually getting to stay in the Vatican.  I couldn't really pass on that opportunity when it was offered.  I'm hoping that during the evenings, I'll have a chance to read and pray some.  Uninterupted time alone is becoming pretty rare.  It's actually been a while since I've reached the point of needed a break this bad.  Deployment actually allowed me more of an opportunity to withdraw for time alone with God.  Part of that is probably that we now have two kids and a house that is much smaller than what we had in Texas.  Part of it is just this particular season of ministry.

Since I know most of the people who read this are far more interested in the kids than they are in my rambling, I'll give you the outline of what's going on with them.

  • Isaac and I are watching "Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin" for the 12th time this week.
  • Claire's hair is now getting long enough to put a bow on her head without using a headband.  (Yes, she's about to turn 1 and her hair is just now that long).
  • Isaac's French has now passed mine.  He knows more than 5 words.  (No one is surprised that this has only taken a month).
Otherwise, things are still pretty routine.  I'll try to put some pictures from September in my web albums this afternoon.