Monday, April 26, 2010

And so it begins

Isaac has developed a new skill. In the last two days, he's climbed on top of the table. He's climbed over the back of the couch. He climbed into the freezer. This should make for an interesting next few weeks.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010


This picture is from two weeks ago. We decided to see if we could successfully grow a few herbs and flowers in pots. Isaac thought this was a great idea while he rode in the wheelbarrow or ate dirt (see the photo album). When I wasn't paying attention, he thought it was an even better idea to play in the dog's water bucket.

The other picture is from after church today. He actually kept the coat and tie on through church. The shoes were put back on 3 times that I know of. I suppose I should have put a cute picture with him smiling before church, but this is the one we had of him sitting still.
Anyway, we've had a leisure afternoon. However, Isaac has now eaten an entire chocolate bunny. I have a sneaking suspicion the leisure part of that is over considering he is now running around the couch and perhaps speaking in tongues as I type.