Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers' Day!

Isaac just keeps learning new tricks!

We have visited the senior portraits at the end of Mrs. Karon's and Mr. Gene's hallway several times since I've been here. There was not any review of the boys' identites immediately before hand. So what if Justin was 17-18 in the picture? I sure hope Justin's brothers don't mind having their senior portraits posted on the blog! Happy Fathers' Day, Justin! Now you can believe me when I say Isaac recognizes you (or at least your picture)!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy June 17th!

Aren't they beautiful??!!!!

I was on my way out the door this afternoon to eat supper at church before Vacation Bible School was to start. Mrs. Karon told me I needed to wait just a minute. So, I came back into the house, where this big, BEAUTIFUL, fragrant floral arrangement was delivered to me! Justin called a local florist and picked them out for me. How sweet is he?! He even had a little message placed in the arrangement. I can't figure any particular significance for today's date, other than it's Isaac's 9-month birthday. I love these really random, thoughtful gestures Justin makes. Thank you so much Hon; you completely surprised me!

Monday, June 15, 2009

What a Trooper!

Isaac is a very even-tempered, hard-working baby. Below is the evidence...

Justin's parents came to visit Isaac and me in Texas on Memorial Day Weekend. They left for Mississippi on Memorial Day and took Isaac with them. This enabled me to finish out the school year, which I am thankful has come to an end. This past Saturday, I came here to Mississippi to spend some time with family. So, yes, I was away from Isaac for roughly 3 weeks! While we were apart, he played with his cousins and learned lots of new tricks. Justin, I apologize ahead of time for the hint of baby talk that slipped into my voice toward the end of this clip!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I can see clearly now...

Several of my friends and family members lately have listened to me talk about getting new glasses. I picked them up last night (the glasses, not the friends and family!), and I like them! They are a bit bold, but they do the trick. The ladies at the Optical Center approved. I wore them today, and no one said anything. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing. I'm attaching a picture below where I'm modeling the glasses. I've got an awkward expression, but it's the closest to a picture I've taken of myself that I'm going to like. I tried to have a neutral expression, but it's currently storming. A clap of thunder struck that made me jump at the last minute.