Saturday, October 23, 2010


Isaac has finally made the adjustment to having Claire. He holds her legs when she's in her bouncy-seat. He's a little nervous about any further contact. I got him to hold her for a few seconds last night. This morning he gave her half a bottle.

Otherwise, we finally tried the ice cream shop down the road that makes it's own chocolate and ice cream. The ice cream met every expectation.

My computer finally has a power cord again, so I uploaded the pictures from September and October onto my photo albums. There are a few pictures from around Mons as well as a lot of Isaac's birthday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Belgian Maternity Wards

We're still sitting in a hospital room with Claire. The normal stay after labor and delivery in Belgium is 4-5 days. It's nice in some ways to know that Emily and Claire are well-taken care of before going home. However, Emily is tired of the same four walls and is ready to get home. I am taking a few days of paternity leave, so I end up running errands during the day and coming back to spend the night at the hospital with Emily and Claire. Isaac and I will probably be back at our house tomorrow night. He's been staying with friends, but Emily wants him to get a good nights rest and have some time at the house before we bring Claire in on Thursday.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Claire Arrives

Yesterday afternoon, my beautiful and stubborn wife refused to admit that she was in labor until her contractions were seven minutes apart. Around 6:45 PM, she decided we should go to the hospital. (Something I'd suggested an hour and a half before). At 7:05, we dropped Isaac off at some friends' home (thanks Joe and Rochelle) and went to the hospital. At 7:45 PM, Claire Lucille was born. I have thoroughly enjoyed saying I told you so to Emily today. It's amazing how much less she intimidates me when she's not pregnant.

Claire was 7 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches long. Mother and baby are well. Isaac is very indifferent about Claire. I convinced him to be interested for almost a full 60 seconds before he decided to play with my cell phone some more. There are pictures of Claire and Isaac, as well as the house we're renting, in my photo albums.

For those who've asked, I hopefully will begin consistently posted pictures again. My laptop is out of commission and using Em's laptop is an annoying and painful process.