Thursday, January 22, 2009

Off the Charts!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I took Isaac to his 4-month check-up appointment, complete with shots. The first thing they do when you arrive is measure them in every way possible. He came in at a whopping 18 lbs. 12 oz.! His head circumference was 18 inches. Both of those measurements were off the charts. Only his length, 26 inches, even fell on the chart, and it fell in the 90th percentile! Isaac is a big boy. When I asked the doctor about starting Isaac on solid foods, he said that a lot of people do not recommend anything other than formula before 6 months. He also said that with Isaac being the size of boy that he is, he would want to eat every hour on the hour if he wasn't eating some cereal to help keep him full. He said after a few consistent weeks of cereal along with formula, that I could possibly begin to slowly introduce some fruit. We had to stop Isaac from rolling off the exam table several times; this led the doctor to say Isaac would likely be rolling over within a matter of days. He was also impressed with Isaac's desire to interact. Isaac tried to pat the doctor's hand several times, and he also tried to take the stethoscope every time the doctor placed it somewhere new. Isaac babbled a lot, and he also held his head up very well. All in all, the well-baby part of the appointment went well.

I was terrified of having to hold Isaac down for shots. Justin was here to do it last time. I, like most any mother, am weak when it comes to seeing my baby cry in pain. As you can see in the above picture, Isaac went to sleep as the doctor and I were discussing details. Then the nurse came in and gave him a stick in each leg, to which Isaac awoke with a scream. After a little cuddling, he took the oral vaccination and was fine! He hasn't seemed overly cranky about any of it. In fact, he even smiled at me before we left the doctor's office! We were sure to thank God soon after for the successful appointment.


Samantha said...

Well, he's a Pickering...of course, he's off-the-charts!!!
Congrats on the great check up. Yes, I have prayed my way through those shots many times. It's just not pleasant.
Happy Birthday, Justin! I do hope it was a good day...

Anonymous said...

He's massive. What is he eating? Spare Ribs?


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Isaac is doing well and sounds like he is growing like a weed. Happy birthday Justin.

an old friend from upton