Saturday, May 16, 2009


OK, I know some of you are wondering exactly how sleep-deprived I am for posting this picture. As part of my Christmas gift, Justin gave me a box of Godiva truffles. I love, love, LOVE chocolate! Anyway, we exchanged gifts early while his parents were still in town for Thanksgiving. A few days later, we had an evening at home where we cooked, talked, watched a movie, etc. That evening, I had one of the truffles and told him I was going to save the rest for a special occasion. Well, the special occasions were the 14th of each month, the date on which another month of the deployment had passed. The last truffle (chocolate souffle -- yum!) was delicious, but seeing this empty box was even sweeter. We are five whole months into the deployment! That's almost half-way!!!


Anonymous said...

You demonstrated tremendous willpower to make 6 pieices of chocolate last 5 months. I truly admire you. Oh, and by the way, I love you bunches too. Momma

Anonymous said...

see how it has gone by I will not say fly by, but the months are trickling by. We love you Em. what are you going to use the rest of the time? Have to do something.
Tonya and gang

JP said...

Ha! I think this just calls for a Godiva chocolate shopping trip! -- Em