Saturday, July 25, 2009


Justin called around 9:30 last night to say he was in Kuwait!!! His next stop will be somewhere in Europe, then Dallas, then Killeen! All said and done, we're thinking he'll arrive Monday. He is VERY much ready to be home and I am so excited about him being here!!! Now, for all that housework and schoolwork that needs done..........

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Isaac has known how to do the "soldier scoot" for some time now. He began inserting a few attempts to crawl on all-fours towards the end of our stay in Mississippi. He has now begun to crawl on all-fours out of habit! Way to go, Son! won't be very long until his Daddy gets to witness this first-hand!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Pictures!

I currently am syncing pictures from May in Iraq that Justin has sent. Look for the album titled, "Iraq_May." Creative title, huh?

Celebrate Good Times!

Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July Weekend, taking the time to enjoy friends, family, and the freedoms we experience in this country that we often take for granted. This past weekend, as well as this weekend, have held some wonderful church services in which our soldiers, our country, and our God were all hailed. I have really enjoyed getting to spend time with my family in Mississippi lately. On July 3, some friends of mine and Justin's from Lucas Grove stopped by to visit on their way back north from the beach! I was so excited to have Jason, Tonya, Danae, and Austin Desjardins spend a couple of nights with us. Celebrating is always fun but is especially so when you get to celebrate with friends you haven't seen in quite some time. Isaac and I last got to spend time with these friends when we went to Kentucky for a few days at Christmas. We watched fireworks in Laurel on Friday night. Lots of pictures were made of Isaac, as Jason had not gotten to meet Isaac at Christmas. Saturday night, we went to Robert's (Justin's brother's) house to cook out and shoot fireworks. I don't care what they say, all my fish was DELICIOUS! Isaac got pretty sick while en route and continued the sick trend while we were at Robert & Julie's. He was a good sport and still let most anyone hold and comfort him. I was a pretty good sport too when I was vomited all over. And all my friends and family were AMAZING sports in helping to clean and care for me, Isaac, and the bathroom. All that said, I am posting pictures from the weekend under our Web Albums. If things with Picasa finish syncing anytime soon, I'm also going to try to post a video of Isaac watching Friday night's fireworks. "Syncing" looks misspelled, but this is how Picasa spells it. Please correct us if you find it spelled otherwise.

Once again, I have really enjoyed this weekend. Thanks Desjardins family for stopping in! My family has really enjoyed hosting you. Thanks to my family for providing all the opportunities to celebrate. And last, but not least, thank you, Justin. Thank you for serving our Lord by being a witness to our country's soldiers. Thank you for clinging to your faith in God even when surrounding circumstances are neither easy nor desireable. You are an amazing husband, father, chaplain, and Christian man.

Isaac is getting to see fireworks for the first time. He was super sleepy, so please excuse his occasional mediocre response. He ended up sleeping through parts of the show towards the end!

Austin, Jason, and Danae Desjardins are watching the fireworks in Laurel. In this picture, either Isaac's hand is REALLY large or Danae's arm is REALLY long!

Tonya and I are watching fireworks and Robert's & Julie's. I can't find a picture of all four of my friends together. So I put one of Tonya and I that I really like, and a fun picture (above) of the other three.

Remember to check our Web Albums for the rest of the pictures from the weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Surf's Up!

Well, not completely. Today, Isaac and I went shopping at the outlet mall in Gulfport, Mississippi with Justin's parents and our niece Katie. Gulfport, as you might guess by the name of the city, is on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Mr. Gene and Mrs. Karon decided to take the scenic route back home to show me the areas hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina almost four years ago. Even now, some areas of Gulfport, Pass Christian, and Bay St. Louis look devastated. It is amazing, however, to see how these areas have bounced back and re-established old business and residential areas. I LOVE the beach and have not been to a beach since the honeymoon in 2004. So I asked if, when we stopped, I could run quickly across the road to stick my toes in the edge of the Gulf. We made a U-turn and stopped on the side of U.S. Hwy 90. Isaac, Katie, and I got out and walked down to the water's edge. Silly me didn't bring a camera, so these pictures were taken with Mr. Gene's new phone. The quality of the pictures amazes me! Katie is a great photographer. Isaac seemed to enjoy his first encounter with the beach.

He was patting the ground. He wasn't sure why it was crumbly.

He was a little confused as to why I was piling this strange stuff (sand) on his legs.

He loved how the wet sand would squish between his toes!Once in the water, we couldn't get him to look at the camera. He was enjoying watching the small waves ripple in towards the shore.I hate that this one is a little blurry. His smile was soooo cute!No, I've not gotten bangs cut in my hair. The wind was making the tendrils of my hair do crazy things.