Sunday, May 1, 2011


This week, we took a vacation to Scotland.  We landed in Edinburgh on Monday and made a loop up the coast and back down through the Highlands back into Edinburgh.  The pictures are in my photo albums, so I'll spare anyone a play by play of the week.  Driving on the left side of the road was an adventure.  I managed to damage a tire on the rental car when my GPS couldn't figure out the difference between a left turn and a traffic circle (for those not living in Europe, don't worry about it).  The kids did really well.  This was Isaac's first actual vacation with us.  I'm the guy that has his itinerary when he leaves on vacation.  We make a lot of adjustments as we go, but the point is we try to get a lot of things into most vacations.  Both kids did pretty well handling the pace without complaining too much.  (Isaac managed one major meltdown, and Claire did not like Edinburgh Castle. 

With the flight schedules we could get, we got back to Belgium on Friday night, which turns out to be nice because we have a couple of days to wash clothes, get the house in order, and rest before really getting back to work.  Unfortunately, getting in on Friday also means I can't sign out a lawn mower until Monday, and my yard is about a week overdo to be mowed.

The picture I put on this page is the Royal and Ancient Golf Club in St Andrew's Scotland.  I didn't get to play the course, but even Emily was excited looking at what we could see of the course.
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Anonymous said...

The course did look beautiful in the pictures. Loved the ones of the children playing with each other on the bed. Love you bunches and are excited over seeing you in a few day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the visual trip to Scotland! I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it!!

Love ya bunches! Momma

Cole and Jill Bensinger said...

Evidently they don't let "common folk" on the golf course!

Cole and Jill Bensinger said...

Evidently they don't allow common folk on the course! Those Brits are so high brow.