Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

Things are finally quiet this afternoon.  The day started around 0630.  Em and I got up to get dressed, make coffee and have breakfast (made it much easier to make it to church by 1030).  We'd scheduled with both sets of grandparents that we would get the kids up at 0700.  They got to watch Isaac and Claire open their Christmas presents.  In the picture, you can actually see my parents watching on one of the computers.  I'm not sure how much either set of grandparents actually saw between the kids running back and forth out of the camera's range.  It was midnight their time when we got started, so they got very little sleep last night.

Claire obviously enjoyed her rocking horse.  She also enjoyed Isaac's race track.  Isaac was amazed (and perhaps irritated) that Santa ate all of the cookies he'd put out.  Claire actually licked the plate to make sure there were no crumbs left behind.

OK, time to get in a nap before the kids get up.


Anonymous said...

Little sleep, but lots of fun! Starting Christmas day by watching my grandbabies was so thrilling, and now, tonight, looking at the pictures, just put the icing on the cake! I'm sending y'all some "Tender Tennessee Christmas" wishes! Love & miss y'all! Momma

Anonymous said...

Loved watch the children, so precious to make memories for us even if they won't remember them. Also, enjoyed doing dirty Santa with you guys by way of skype. Love you all bunches.
Love Mother