Justin was able to email me today! I am still amazed at the amount of communication we've been able to do. I realize it will decrease once he's in country. He was pretty tired when he was online emailing me earlier, so he didn't trust his editing of what he'd typed. I've looked it over and am pasting it below.
From Justin:
I realize that I have told you very little about Kuwait. Where we are has pretty nice accomodations. This FOB has a great gym, phone trailers, Internet trailers, and several fast food places and a pretty good size PX (not as large as on an installation on US soil). The Internet is really, really slow unless you pay to get high speed, which I am currently doing. The tent I sleep in has heat and a wooden floor. It sleeps up to 90 people, and we have about 60. Its not horrible, but sleeping in a room with that many people makes it almost impossible to get a few minutes of solitude. The food is fine. The training is OK. Today we were put in a Humvee simulator and spun around a couple of times. We were simulating a rollover accident. There are your normal briefings and such, but most of my time is still spent checking up on the soldiers of the battalion. There are several chaplains stationed permenantly on this base, so they already have sufficient worship services in place. The air temperature is not too cold, but the wind blows constantly and freezes you most of the day.
Thanks for the update Emily. I'm glad ya'll are being able to communicate well for now at least. The pics the two of you posted from Thanksgiving and leading up to deployment are great. We continue to pray for all of you daily and look forward to getting back out to see you and Isaac around Spring Break. Once I get things going with school Julie and I will check with you on some dates to head back out. Give Isaac a kiss and hug for us and we'll talk with you soon.
spunds like he is adjusting well to his new surroundings. God bless.
michael r
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