Saturday, December 11, 2010

Brussels Christmas Market

This morning, we caught the train into Brussels to spend a few hours at the Christmas Market there. Every large and small town has begun having a Christmas market, which normally consists of venders specializing in Christmas junk, regional specialties, etc. It's a German tradition that has spread into more and more of Europe. Brussell's market is supposedly one of the better ones.

This was also our first experience using the train system to travel. (Thus the picture of everyone sitting on the train platform). We'd used buses once, but stuck to using the car for the most part with the kids. We'll definitely use trains for any trip we can within Belgium.

Otherwise, it's been a busy week. I've been a bit sick, which has made Emily's week that much busier. Last night was the children's Christmas Party with our FRG. They made ginger bread houses. Isaac ate an entire plate of candy that was supposed to go on his house. He then had a plastic cup full of sweedish fish and candy corn, which he brought home. I'm kind of unsure how we got that cup, and really hope he didn't take it away from some other kid. He continued to argue with everyone who tried to tell him he was in Belgium. Since the second weekend of November, he's refused that he could possibly be in any European country besides Germany. It becomes an intense argument if anyone tried to convince him otherwise. (On a related note, Em no longer thinks it would be a good idea to put him in the Belgian school system).

Isaac obviously was not a fan of Santa Claus.  I don't actually think it was Santa as much as me making him leave his plate of M&Ms (Yes, a plate of M&Ms) on the table so he could see Santa Clause.

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Anonymous said...

'Tis the season for fun and excitement, whether you're in the U.S., Belgium, or in Isaac's case, Germany! Keep the pictures coming and include some more of Claire, please! Love y'all bunches!! Momma

Anonymous said...

Your daddy said you should be asshamed of taking candy away from Isaac during a Christmas party. Loved the pictures especialy with Santa. You all cried the first time you sat in Santa's lap. We drove through snow showers all afternoon today on our way home.
Love you,