Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Weather

Starting a couple of days after Thanksgiving, we had a week with high temperatures that never reached freezing. On top of that, we had several days with light snow showers. You can see in the picture that it never really got thick enough to matter. It was just enough to make the yard look pretty and the roads to be a pain.

The ice on the sidewalks forced me onto the exercise bike or to treadmills in the gym, which I always hate to do. I'm supposed to start marathon training in a week or so for the Paris Marathon in April. I dread to even think about the training.

Otherwise, there's not a lot going on. We finished Christmas shopping last week. The tree is up. The house is decorated. Isaac has developed a great love for "A Charlie Brown Christmas." We have to change it's hiding place almost daily because once he finds it, he'll find a way to climb to whatever shelf it's on.
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Unknown said...

justin, you are invited to follow my blog

Anonymous said...

I hope we get some light snow-fall in Leoma this winter! The ice on roads and walkways spoils everything! Paris marathon sounds impressive; keep up the pace! I bought the "A Charlie Brown Christmas" book a few weeks ago; I love it! I almost sent Isaac one! Love y'all bunches!!!! Mother