Saturday, September 15, 2012


2nd Signal Battalion, 5th Signal Command UMTs
So, the past few days have been spent in Garmisch, Germany at Chaplain's Annual Sustainment Training (CAST-E).  If you're wondering, a week of briefings aren't exactly exciting.  There were some interesting briefings, but it's mostly stuff they could have given us in writing just as effectively.  It's always nice to see some old friends and the other chaplains in our brigade.  That's the real benefit to this training.  I remember almost none of the training because my retention disappears quickly after 4 hours sitting in a conference room.  This is especially true when the sessions focus on army field manuals and doctrine.  I understand that it matters and is necessary for chaplains to understand.  It's just not exactly something most of us get excited to hear about.  I'm utterly exhausted after a week of being around people constantly.  Yesterday, the drive back took 11 hours thanks to road repairs throughout Germany. 

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