Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hectic Week

The last week has been hectic, to say the least.  Let's start with last Saturday.  Emily was out running errands when I hear Isaac crying.  He had fallen while trying to carry a large toy truck up to the top bunk (I have no idea why).  I checked the arm and didn't think it was broken.  On Sunday morning, Emily has a minor car accident.  No one was hurt, but it has had us down to one vehicle.  By Monday, Isaac still isn't using his arm.  The earliest appointment we can get him is for Thursday.
Throughout this, I am trying to catch up from being gone to Garmisch the week before.  (I'm still not caught up, if you're wondering).  A Europe-wide suicide stand down absorbed most of my week through Thursday.
On Thursday, Emily calls when I'm in a meeting and Isaac's arm is broken.  (I win "father of the year" for that one, I'm sure.). 
Friday, was a good day.  I had three soldiers and myself helping a soup kitchen in Mons tear out some old ceiling and plaster so they can expand their ministry.  You see us sitting with the debris we pulled out of the building in the picture.  I haven't been that physically exhausted in a long, long time.
On top of it, I had 1-1.5 hours of physical therapy on my ankle three days this week.  Apparently, I wasn't supposed to just run through the pain for the last year and a half.  The physical therapist all but called me stupid during the initial consulation.  She was less than thrilled when I told her I didn't have time to come to the clinic on Thursday or Friday.
OK, there's my massive dump of information.  Hopefully, this week will be better.  When Em and I looked at schedules, I'm not sure this one will move any slower.  If we can just avoid any extra conversations with hospitals or police officers, it'll be an improvement.

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